Our most popular niche is our construction content services, with the first 3 years of our business being solely construction focussed - we have a tonne of projects to show!
Across the past 6 years of our business, we've successfully completed over 250+ projects!
We can't feature them all - but we can show you some of them!
On this page, you will find our most popular services and you can view specific case studies here.
Social Media Instagram & TikTok Reels
One of our most popular choices through 2023 & 2024 have been vertical reels (mostly used for Instagram & TikTok). These short 7-60 second video edits capture events taking place on-site during a specific visit, highlighting the works on a project, edited together to trending music, usually short and snappy, and used for companies' social branding.
These edits are a great way to capture your team in-action, the progress being made on your projects, or the quality & scale of your sites, whilst still keeping trendy and allowing for marketing brand growth on social platforms:
Landscape Progress Videos
Typically for Website, LinkedIn, & YouTube
Usually 45 seconds to 3-minutes in length, these videos are more often utilised by companies looking to post content on LinkedIn (as landscape is the native format), YouTube Channel, or Revamp their website project pages with top-notch videos showing progress, what they are doing on-sites, the scale of their projects, and their company at work; for prospective visitors to their website.
In bulk these videos require some more budget than social media reels though can really enhance a website's presence and overall help companies better share what they do - directly on their website for prospective customers and businesses, helping them look like a stronger suit in their niche, and the ultimate tender choice!
Professional Team-in-Action Photography
Team working or Team Action Photos have been used for a variety of reasons by our clients. From social media content showing their team working hard, through to progress shots with the images used for context captions, to blog content, LinkedIn content, and website images, we've captured our fair share of shots of our clients' teams working hard! You can see a collection of 'action' or 'team-working' shots, below:

Project Progress Photography
Alongside team-in-action photos a large majority of our clients want regular updates to their sites/projects, be it for investors, homeowners, or just to showcase their projects, and the progress online - through social media & their website. Below you can see some project progress photos and 'site-underdevelopment' images:

Completed Projects Photography
Completed project photography ties in well to our Real Estate Photography & Videography services.
A lot of our clients wish for us to return to projects upon completion, to capture them in all their glory - either before sale or handover to their client. Completed Project photography is a fantastic way to capture the completed journey for social media and a fabulous addition to your website - showing exactly how you take a project from the refurbishment phase; to completion! (If you look closely - the first 2 rows are the same angles as above!)

Content Days
A collection of our clients opt-in for our 'Content Day' service. A content day is a full day booking where we visit as many of our clients' projects as possible within a day to capture and create as much content as we can - dividing the investment cost across multiple different sites. Below, we share a few of our content day clients. You can click each brand name to see their case studies.
Click to see case study
Click to see case study